Happy Thanksgiving!

From the entire InfoTECH family, we'd like to wish our clients a safe and happy Thanksgiving! We are grateful to have you as our valued customers and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your continued trust and patronage. 
InfoTECH Solutions will be closed for normal business November 25th and 26th to celebrate the holiday.
We would also like to remind you that, although we hope your Thanksgiving celebrations are free from the stress of computer problems, our team is always on standby to handle emergencies24/7. Please call our office immediately should you experience a critical issue on your network.
If you are an IT/365 customer receiving our remote monitoring service, rest assured our alert team will continue to diligently protect and monitor your network at all times.
The InfoTECH Team

Holiday Season

As the holidays approach, the contributors for the InfoTECH Newsletter and Blog will be taking a break to spend time with our families and dedicate our work hours to completing client projects. There will be no December issue of the newsletter or blog posts, but we will resume publishing new articles and mailings in January.
Happy Holidays!

5 Ways the Cloud Can Help Your Business

Cloud Computing, Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), or simply "the cloud" are all terms you may be hearing creep into tech-lingo at your place of business. Perhaps you've even heard the terms used by your I.T. provider, but what does it really mean to put your technology "in the cloud" and is it the right choice for you? In this article, we will look at 5 important ways the cloud can help your business by reducing the total cost of ownership and providing an excellent return on investment.

InfoTECH Breaks New Ground

InfoTECH is proud to announce that we have officially broken ground on our new location in Carencro, Louisiana!

IT/365 in Action

Since the launch of IT/365 at the beginning of September, we have had over 350 node installations. Our team of Virtual System Administrators monitor all alerts that are raised by the system and decide what action should be taken. With the historical data gathered by the IT/365 system in hand, our team can effectively manage all problems that arise. We constantly check our monitoring sets, procedures, and alerting functions to ensure that we stay at the forefront of issues and errors that occur on our clients' computers.

The Importance of Windows Updates

We have all seen the classic yellow shield and exclamation point (now a notification flag in Windows 7) that indicates there are Windows Updates available for installation, but do you know how these updates actually affect your computer? With Microsoft set to patch a record 49 vulnerabilities on October 12th, we believe it is critical to our clients' security that they understand a little about these patches and how you can keep your systems protected. (Don't have time to read? Call us for the solution: Patch Management with IT/365)

5 Important Facts About Antivirus Programs

In this short article we look at five very important and often-misunderstood facts about Antivirus programs.

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