We are now a Microsoft Small Business Specialist!

InfoTECH is proud to announce that we are now certified as a Microsoft Small Business Specialist. Small Business Specialists are partners who meet the needs of their small business customers with high-quality solutions built on Microsoft technologies. Our expertise with Microsoft solutions such as Small Business Server, Exchange, and Sharepoint have helped us to earn this recognition and extend our partnership with Microsoft.

Hurricane season is here, is your data safe?

With the weather changing and the Gulf Coast preparing for another hurricane season, now is the time to take a look at where your data is and whether your business is prepared to recover quickly after a disaster. So what constitutes a good backup, and how do you know if you are truly protected?

What's in a name? 5 Misconceptions of owning a domain name

Imagine you are out getting bids for a big project and you want to find someone with experience. You have two people vying for your business: Jim & Bob. They both handed you a business card when you spoke with them, and each business card had an email address on it where you could contact them. Jim's email is jim@acmeconsulting.com. Bob's email is cooltiger14445@aol.com. Which one demonstrates to you that this person is credible and professional? Which email suggests the owner is part of a reputable business?

New Blog!

We'll be posting plenty of information and sharing knowledge relevant to the Louisiana business owner who needs some guidance in their IT endeavours. Be sure to check back often!
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