How Good is Free Software?

We often get asked about various free software products on the market and how they compare to their paid competitors. While we won't dig into reviewing individual products here, I thought it would be beneficial to our clients that they understand the pros and cons to using their favorite free products.

InfoTECH Backup & Recovery: Online, Secure, Available

We've already seen a tropical storm and forcasts for the Gulf are predicting a busier-than-usual hurricane season. You may have also caught our earlier post "Hurricane Season is Here" which details the importance of using a backup solution that stores your data in geographically dispersed and secure locations.

InfoTECH is proud to announce that we now provide this important service directly to you, our valued client! InfoTECH Backup & Recovery is a full-featured backup utility that securely encrypts and transmits your critical data to high-availability datacenters.

How Firewalls Protect Your Business

Almost everyone will have heard about Firewalls on their computers, but many are confused by what they are and the function they perform.

What is a firewall?
In construction, a firewall is a "fire-resistance rated wall assembly intended to slow the spread of fire from one side to the other."

So how does this relate to computers? Well, the idea of the firewall was based on the construction-type of firewall when looking at network security.

In IT, a firewall is a "dedicated appliance, or software running on a computer, which [...] denies or permits passage based on a set of rules/criteria".

Of course we will be talking about firewalls in the IT sense and suggest that you look towards a builder contractor from your local Better Business Bureau should you require any other sort of firewall!

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