Windows XP End of Life

Come October 22nd, 2010, one of Microsoft's most venerable operating systems, Windows XP, will no longer be sold to consumers. There is often a lot of confusion surrounding the phase out of a major OS, and Windows XP is no exception. Let's look at a few aspects of Microsoft's life cycle program and how it will affect your business.

InfoTECH Welcomes IT Specialist Jon Jeffels

InfoTECH Solutions is very proud and excited to announce that we have once again added another skilled IT professional to our growing staff! Jon Jeffels joins InfoTECH Solutions as an IT Specialist in the Lake Charles area and will serve clients across southern Louisiana.

A native of Norwich, England, Jon brings to the firm over 14 years of experience in various IT disciplines, including network and systems engineering, software development, project management, database administration, disaster recovery and service desk support. Jon is certified in IT Service Management with the ITIL Foundation and has an extensive background in service delivery and support.

With a broad understanding of the Information Technology field and a proven track record of client satisfaction, Jon was a perfect fit to join our team of dedicated IT Specialists.

Jon lives in Lake Charles with wife Christi and 7-month old son Benjamin. Outside of work, he is a member of the British Computing Society and enjoys hiking, geocaching, and photography.

InfoTECH would like to welcome Jon's family into ours and we look forward to the contributions he will be making helping us provide the best IT solutions and service to businesses in Louisiana!

Monitor and manage your IT support from InfoTECH

Ever wish you could cut to the chase and manage your own tickets within our support system? Well it just so happens you can! Using our Client Access Portal you can submit service requests, monitor their progress, add notes for our support team, and review closed tickets.

Protecting your inbox & PC from spam

Junk e-mail, like its paper counterpart, is a staple of the messaging systems in place today. In fact, it's estimated that 90% of all incoming mail traffic in North America is spam. That's a lot of trash!

Lucky for us, some very intelligent applications called spam filters, or more generally e-mail filters, are able to detect and purge a majority of this from most inboxes. However, spam filters, like any other heuristics-based scanner, are never 100% effective at detecting unwanted e-mails. On top of that, spammers are constantly developing new tactics for getting you to open that e-mail.

So how can the average computer user hope to defend themselves? Like anything else in the computer world: with knowledge! Here are some of the top guidelines for avoiding spam:

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